The Montgomery Institute names new president
By By Terry R. Cassreino / assistant managing editor
April 16, 2004
Mike McGrevey of Decatur, executive director of the Kemper County Economic Development Authority, was named Thursday as the new president of The Montgomery Institute.
McGrevey plans to start work at The Montgomery Institute on May 3. He will replace Bill Crawford, who resigned earlier this year to take a job with the state's chief economic development agency.
McGrevey said he plans to resign today from his Kemper County job. Representatives with the Kemper County Economic Development Authority could not be reached for comment about plans to replace McGrevey.
Job search
The Montgomery Institute, named after retired U.S. Rep. G.V. "Sonny" Montgomery, promotes strategic thinking and helps develop leadership in East Mississippi and West Alabama.
C.D. Smith, chairman of the board of directors, said about 40 people applied for president. A four-member screening committee narrowed the number first to six, and then to four, before recommending McGrevey.
Specifically, Smith said the board believes McGrevey can continue the vision and programs already in place at the institute. Plus, he said, "We needed someone with the ability to communicate and actually lead."
Smith and McGrevey declined to say how much the job pays. McGrevey also declined to reveal how much he is earning in Kemper County, although he did say he will take a pay cut to join The Montgomery Institute.
As head of the Kemper County Economic Development Authority for four years, McGrevey has tried to attract business and industry to a rural and sparsely populated area of the state.
Last week, McGrevey announced that Pharma Pac, which manufactures over-the-counter pharmaceuticals, will open a plant and warehouse in Kemper County expected to employ 285 people.
McGrevey said his goal for The Montgomery Institute can be described in four words: "Many Dreams One Team." He said he wants to continue investing in the people and developing leaders.