Bowlers aim for roll offs
By By Mike Carson / bowling columnist
March 16, 2004
Third round action is coming to a close and local bowlers are preparing to make that last effort to reach season ending roll offs. By this time most leagues have completed their position rounds, with the exception of Thursday night's Queen City league. My apologies to the Dixie Belles League. I can't seem to remember that they use 8-week sessions are opposed to the 9-week sessions the other leagues use. Their position round was actually a few weeks ago and the Bemco team came on strong at the end to earn their spot in that league's roll off. The Senior Citizen league saw the team Roll On qualify while on Tuesday night's Bowlerettes league Burns &Burns took home third round honors. The 12-N-A-Row team in the Wednesday Night Mixed league needed a one game roll off to capture their spot over "Ya Never Know." In the Ball &Chain league, the round was actually won by Car Quest, but since they had already qualified, the second place team Poling Home Inspection was able to claim the third round spot.
Congratulations to Jim Broderick, Jr. who broke the MBA Strike Jackpot last Wednesday night to the tune of $502.50. The pot now starts back up at $100.
Stan's Classic Tournaments 8-Game Sweeper returns to Dixie Bowl April 4. This tournament features both Handicap and Scratch divisions as well as optional Brackets and High Game Pots. Contact Tournament Director Stan Bottorff or visit for more details.
In local league action Dick Jentoft deserves a pat on the back after recording his first career 700 series with a nice 722 last Monday in the Hucklebuck league. Dick's effort also produced a big 287 game which was second only to Jeff Gaines' 290. Jeff also banged out a 735 set in the process. Mike Cothern continued his march to best Johnnie Blackmon's house record of 36 700 series by chalking up two more on the board last week including the week's high series of 762. Robby Relinski stepped up and reeled off a 714 set and Jim Broderick, Jr. blasted out a 260/726 set in the Ball &Chain league. Johnny Tinsley strung strikes for a 276 and Bob Davis crunched the pocket for a 270 game. Greg Taylor added his name to the list with a s278. Other guys stepping up the pace for big games included Rodney Bounds, Marty McMullen, Billy Priester and Mike Butler.
Tandee Marx had a big week for the ladies, punching out a 224 in the Ball &Chain league and following that up with a 222/621 on Wednesday night, which was good enough to take the high series for the ladies. Kate Grant took high game honors with a 230 and Paula Wooten not only won a BVL drawing, but also cranked out a nice 222 game.
Ladies, don't forget your Annual Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, March 28 at 2 p.m. in the Scottish Rites Building located on the corner of 11th Street and 23rd Avenue. On the agenda is Association business, election of officers for the coming season and the distribution of prize funds from the City Tournament.
The entry deadline is now closed for the Ladies State Tournament at Rebelanes in Tupelo. Men, you still have a couple of weeks left on your reserved deadline. Remember, guys, that late entries are accepted on a lanes available basis only so try to get your entries in prior to the deadline to insure the dates and times you want. This year's tournament will be held at Park Ten Lanes in Diamondhead.
The Saturday Morning Juniors will be concluding season action this weekend. Thank you to all the youngsters and their parents for helping produce a successful season.
That's all for this week. Until next week. . . Good luck and good bowling.