Leagues take breather in July
By By Mike Carson / bowling columnist
July 1, 2003
With the conclusion of the State Games of Mississippi this past weekend, tournament action takes a break for a few weeks.
Congratulations to all the medal winners this weekend and thank you to all who participated. Hats off Shayne Barfield, Lisa Barfield and Jason Pierce for a well-run tournament.
Major tournament action will take a break during the month of July. The only exception will be Stan's Classic 8-Game Scratch and Handicap Sweeper Sunday, July 15.
The entry fee is $70 per division. Registration will begin at 9:30 a.m. with actual competition beginning at 10. All bowling should be completed by 2 p.m. with prize payout immediately following the conclusion of the tournament.
The next tournament on the agenda will be the annual Handicap Doubles Tournament which begins Friday, Aug. 1 and continues each weekend through Labor Day.
This year the tournament will feature a $4,000 First Place guarantee regardless of entries. Entry forms are available at Dixie Bowl Lanes. Remember, you may bowl with up to three partners each time you participate.
With tournament action subsiding, Dixie Bowl manager M.A. Copeland would like to remind you of the many specials offered by the lanes during the summer including the Hot Wednesday special featuring $1 a pair shoe rental and $1.50 a game bowling per person up until 8 p.m. each Wednesday during the summer.
Open bowling will be available every day during the rest of the summer. M.A. invites you in to take advantage of the opportunity to get out of the heat and into some cool fun.
A note to our league bowlers: Standings for the summer leagues were unavailable this week, but will return next week. Until then. . . Good Luck and Good Bowling.