Bunyard, Briggs
By Staff
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bunyard of Lauderdale announce the engagement of their daughter, Kelly, to Richard Clint Briggs, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Briggs of Bryant, Ark., and Debbie Moore of Lauderdale.
The wedding will be Saturday, July 12, 2003, at St. Paul's Episcopal Church.
Miss Bunyard is the granddaughter of Allie Ruth Dudley of Meridian and the late Lt. Col. Lawrence M. Dudley Jr., and the late Flo Dudley; and Bertha Bunyard of Meridian and the late Bill Bunyard.
The bride-elect is a graduate of Northeast Lauderdale and received a master's of taxation degree from Mississippi State University.
Miss Bunyard is employed by Horne CPA Group.
Mr. Briggs is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Perkins of Cuba, Ala., Ann Briggs of Meridian and the late Richard Briggs.
The bridegroom-elect is a graduate of Northeast Lauderdale High School and received a bachelor's of business administration degree from Mississippi State University.
Mr. Briggs is employed by Republic Finance.
A reception will be held at Briarwood Country Club following the ceremony.