Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2002
By Staff
Volunteers make
community special
To the editor:
It has been both a pleasure and an honor to do volunteer work for the Key Chapter of the American Red Cross. Working long hours during Tropical Storm Isidore and Hurricane Lili, maintaining a fund-raising booth and First Aid Station at the Queen City fair, things got hectic and confusing at times. Thanks to the unfaltering aid of the people who gave so willingly of their time, we made it though it all.
It is hard to ask RN's and emergency personnel to give of their valuable free time to man shelters or be on call. I personally want to thank each and every one of them for their generosity. I also encourage others to volunteer for the future so that we can continue to serve our community.
I also wish to thank all the Marines and friends of the Key Chapter who worked at the fair, selling fries, Cokes and lollipops, and the emergency personnel who manned the First Aid Station during all the noise, storms and other adverse conditions.
We cannot do it without the aid of our volunteers. Key Chapter helps this community in many ways. We assist single-family home fire victims with temporary housing, supplies and clothing vouchers. We help with utilities due to be shut off when the funds are available. We teach CPR, First Aid and other classes so that lives can be saved. We help our military community during family emergencies, by getting them in touch with loved ones, etc.
It takes the cooperation of the whole community to do this, whether by financial help or becoming a volunteer. Help us to help others. It may be you or your family that needs help one day and we will be right there for you. We are located at 1711 4th Ave. The phone number is 485-5151. Call or stop by today.
Ginny Harley
Volunteer Coordinator
Key Chapter
American Red Cross
Y'all come back, now
To the editor:
Just a few short weeks ago we had the memorable experience of housing a few of the Meridian athletes in our home. The boys represented the Southwest region in the 14-year-old Babe Ruth World Series in Clifton Park, N.Y.
Not only did these boys prove themselves on the baseball field, but as representatives of your area. They demonstrated behavior that endeared them to our entire community.
We wanted to thank y'all for sending us such a fine group of young men, and also to remind the boys (and their wonderful families, as well) that they will always have friends in upstate New York. We would love for them to return some day and share a glass of sweet tea with us.
Phil and Peggy Moore and Family
Clifton Park, N.Y.