County 4-Hers recognized for accomplishments
By By Beth Randall / 4-H youth agent
Sept. 29, 2002
I don't know about you, but I like to be rewarded for the things I do well.
Recently Lauderdale County 4-H'ers and Volunteer Leaders were recognized for their 4-H accomplishments for the 2001-2002 4-H Club Year.
Since the 4-H Awards Program is such a great event, I thought I would share some of the highlights with you. This year's theme was "4-H in the U.S.A." and featured patriotic songs by Natalie Gross and Amy Pool.
The 4-H members and Volunteer Leaders work hard all year and the 4-H Awards Program is one way that the Lauderdale County 4-H Advisory Council has of commending them for their efforts.
Bert Guy, president of the 4-H Advisory Council welcomed those in attendance and called attention to the list of our great 4-H Sponsors. Advisory Council members presented the 4-H'ers and leaders with the various awards.
Laura Lucky received a citizenship pin for her selection to and participation in the Citizenship Washington Focus program. Citizenship Washington Focus brings youth from across the country to our nation's capitol to learn the history of American government, our political process, and how to become involved in government.
The following 4-H'ers submitted 4-H Records and received blue ribbons in state competition: Summer Lucky, clothing; Justin Lucky, swine; Lydia Burns, conservation; Laurie Gross, pet care; Daniel Burns, beef; Lizzie Lucky, pet care; Natalie Gross, pet care; Robert Lucky, safety; Catherine Lucky, horse; and Mariah King, personal development. A 4-H record is a compilation of a 4-H'er project work for the club year.
The following 4-H Clubs submitted 4-H records: 4-H Horse Club, CHO 4-H Club, 4-H Photography Club and the 4-H Personal Development Club. Each club received an engraved gavel.
Amy Poole was recognized as a new member of the 4-H All Stars. The 4-H All Stars provides recognition for outstanding 4-H members and an opportunity for growth through service.
The winner of the Zed Hawkins Scholarship was Laura Lucky. The Lauderdale 4-H Club won the Outstanding Community Service Award with its "Fingerprinting of Children" project.
Each year, the Outstanding 4-H'er Award is given to up to two junior 4-H'ers and two senior 4-H'ers who received a blue ribbon on their 4-H record. This year's winners were Daniel Burns, Natalie Gross and Catherine Lucky.
4-H Clubs receiving recognition for Outstanding Clubs were the CHO 4-H Club, the 4-H Pet Club, the 4-H Sewing Club, Lauderdale 4-H Club and the 4-H Cloverleaf Club.
4-H member Laura Lucky thanked our dedicated 4-H Volunteer Leaders for their support of the 4-H program.
The following 4-H'ers received a certificate for their accomplishments in district and state 4-H events:
Hunter Smith,
State Dairy Poster Contest, second place.
Laurie Gross,
Mid-South Fair Photography, fifth place.
State horse art contest.
State Horse Photography Contest.
South State Field and Stream Competition.
State Photography Contest, second place.
District Clothing Construction Contest, second place.
District Pet Visual, blue.
Pet Record, blue.
Robert Lucky,
State Fair Fashion Revue.
South State Field and Stream Competition.
Safety Record, blue.
Lizzie Lucky,
State Fair Fashion Revue.
District Pet Visual.
Pet Record, blue.
Summer Lucky,
State Fair Fashion Revue.
District Swine Show.
State Horse Photography Contest.
State Horse Art Contest.
South State Field and Stream Competition.
District Horse Public Speaking Contest.
District Livestock Judging Contest.
State Photography Contest, first place.
Clothing Record, blue.
Lydia Burns,
State Fair Sew with Cotton, first place.
State Fair Fashion Revue.
Mid-South Fair Photography, fourth place.
District Livestock Judging Contest.
State Horse Photography Contest.
State Horse Art Contest.