Hoffer: honorary chairman for Diabetes Walk Fall Fling
By By Steve Gillespie / staff writer
Sept. 12, 2002
Jimmy E. Hoffer, a fire prevention specialist and public relations spokesperson with the Meridian Fire Department, was named honorary chairman today for this year's Diabetes Walk.
The announcement was to be made at a news conference at the Central Fire Station. The annual Diabetes Walk Fall Fling is organized by the East Central Chapter of the Diabetes Foundation of Mississippi.
Hoffer was chosen honorary chairman because of his many years of service to the Diabetes Foundation of Mississippi, said Leslie Priester, Fall Fling organizer with the local diabetes foundation chapter.
Hoffer used to volunteer with teams for the Walk as part of the fire department. His group's role evolved into cooking hot dogs and hamburgers every year to raise money for the foundation.
Hoffer first became familiar with diabetes because his grandmother had it. Then he learned all he could about diabetes when he was diagnosed with it about six years ago.
Symptoms of diabetes differ from person to person. For Hoffer, 45, he found out about his condition after going to a doctor for pain.
Hoffer was hospitalized for a week. During that time he learned how to give himself insulin shots. Today, he doesn't have to take insulin because he controls his condition with diet and regular exercise.
He recommended that diabetics educate themselves as much as they can about the disease by finding classes about diabetes and how to manage it.
He emphasized how important it is for diabetics to seek medical attention.