Excellence in education
By Staff
The 2002-2003 recipient of the Brett Walden Art Scholarship for the fall and spring semesters at Meridian Community College is Jessica Lee of Collinsville. This $600 scholarship is funded through The MCC Foundation.
Lee is a freshman in the University Transfer Program. A May graduate of West Lauderdale High School, she was a member of the tennis team for five years. Lee is also a member of the National Honor Society and the Art Club. Her community involvement includes volunteering for the State Games of Mississippi and attending church at the Evangel Temple.
Marjorie "Bree" Roberts has been selected as the George J. Blackwell Scholarship recipient for the fall and spring semesters at Meridian Community College. This scholarship was established as a memorial to Mr. Blackwell, a local forester and avid sportsman. This $600 scholarship is funded through The MCC Foundation.
Roberts, a freshman at MCC, is a graduate of Fayette County High School, Fayette, Ala. She was a member of the Symphonic Band, Tiger Rag Staff, Fellowship of Christian Athletes and The Royal Court. She was selected Most Beautiful and Homecoming Maid. Roberts is pursuing a career in criminology.
Matthew K. Rushing and Deon L. Herlong are recipients of the 2002-2003 Jean and Charles Winright Memorial Scholarships for the fall and spring semesters at Meridian Community College. These $1,000 awards are funded through The MCC Foundation from an endowment established by a bequest made by the Winrights.
Rushing, an incoming freshman at MCC, is pursuing a career in medicine. A graduate of Southeast Lauderdale High School, he was selected Mr. Southeast, Most Likely to Succeed and Most Intellectual. Matthew was a member of the Beta Club and Students Against Drunk Driving. He was awarded the Good Citizenship Award, and was a delegate to the American Legion/Boys State.
Herlong is a graduate of Northeast High School. A sophomore in the Computer Programming Technology Program, he is a member of Phi Beta Lambda, an organization for business students. He is a member of St. John Missionary Church, and he works part-time at MSU Meridian.
Andrew Van Sickle of Senatobia is the 2002-2003 Wilma G. Freeman Future Teacher Scholarship recipient for the fall and spring semesters at Meridian Community College. Bebe Freeman and Harry Freeman of New Orleans fund this $1,000 scholarship through The MCC Foundation.
Van Sickle is a sophomore majoring in physical education. His community activities include: Friends Helping Friends, Toys for Tots and Feed the Needy. He teaches Bible School and helps with the youth at his church. His career goal is to become a college coach.