Red Cross names Chief Martin honorary board member
By By Steve Gillespie / staff writer
Aug. 24, 2002
Chief Phillip Martin of the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians has become the first honorary board member in the history of the American Red Cross' Key Chapter.
Martin was appointed during the chapter's annual meeting Thursday at the Church of the Mediator in Meridian. Accepting the appointment on Martin's behalf, and presenting the chapter with a hand-woven basket as a gift, was Charlie Been.
Martin's appointment is part of the Key Chapter's effort to expand its board of directors to include representatives from all the areas it serves: Lauderdale, Clarke, Newton, Kemper, Neshoba and newly acquired Leake County.
New board members named at the meeting were: Dr. Jack Hall, Meridian; Val Heidleberg, assistant district attorney, Meridian; Gayle Kennedy, executive administrative assistant to the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians, Choctaw; Beth Millings, of Millings Funeral Home, Union; Jerome Kitrell, Meridian; John Thomke, of Comcast Cablevision, Meridian; John Watts, Meridian; and Ronald Wright, Meridian.
Ann Roberts, a board member since 1998, is also beginning another three-year term on the board.
Other board members serving a current term are: Michael McGrevey Kemper County Economic Development Director; Anntwinett McCarty, Quitman; Jesse Barnett of Lowe's, Meridian; Steven Bass, loan officer of Trustmark National Bank, Meridian; Tony Fleming, Clarke County supervisor, Quitman; Craig Hitt, Lauderdale County supervisor, Collinsville; Barbara Sanders, Kemper County election commissioner, Daleville; Dr. Walter Willis, Philadelphia; Sherry Turbyfill, vice president of Trustmark National Bank and Margaret Wamble, DeKalb.
Officers for the newly formed board will be elected at a later date.
The Key Chapter's annual awards were also presented Thursday night, and are listed in a box that accompanies this story.
In addition to those, an award was also given to honor the chapter's team of volunteers who run the Armed Forces Emergency Services program to communicate between people serving in the military and their families at home.