Brand, Wolff
By Staff
Kathryn Buchanan Wolff and Robert Andrew Brand were married Saturday, June 1, 2002, at Christ Church on Johnson Square in Savannah, Ga. The Rev. Steven Armitage Evans officiated.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bryan Wolff of Savannah. The bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Robert Frank Brand of West Point and the late Mr. Brand.
The bride was given in marriage by her father.
Elizabeth Jean Wolff and Allison Whitney Young, sisters of the bride, served as maids of honor. Bridesmaids were Ashley Watson Kerth, Margaret Blair Passink, Blair Elizabeth Tillery, and Elizabeth Willis Sprague and Claire Willingham Willis, cousins of the bride.
Russell Mack Berton served as best man. Groomsmen were John Farris Chapman, Jackson Daniel Coulter, Walter Lisle Dalton, Luther Brooks Epting, Adamson Pope Kerth and Steven William Smith.
Francis Elizabeth Davis read the scriptures.
A reception was held at the Savannah Yacht Club following the ceremony.
After a honeymoon is St. Lucia, the couple resides in Meridian.