9-11: Special edition
By By Lynette Wilson /staff writer
Aug. 21, 2002
Rickey A. Harris said two things compelled him to enter the Nov. 5 election for District 4 Supervisor: a lack of economic growth and poor pay for law enforcement officers.
Harris, 47, of Meridian, officially entered the race Monday to fill the seat left vacant by the death of Supervisor Q.V. Sykes.
Harris said if the supervisors and the city council do not stress economic growth, then the area is going to lose its youth in the next 10 to 15 years.
Harris spent 13 years in law enforcement. He works part-time as a police officer in Meridian and full-time as District 4 county patrolman. He served under Q.V. Sykes.
Harris said he plans to meet District 4 voters face-to-face.
The election: A Nov. 5 special election to fill the unexpired District 4 term, a job that pays $37,434 a year.
The district: District 4 includes part of southwest Meridian and southwest Lauderdale County.
How to qualify: Potential candidates must file a petition with signatures from 15 qualified voters by 5 p.m. Sept. 6. Petitions can be picked up at the Circuit Clerk's office on the first floor of the Lauderdale County Courthouse.