Survey shows people would use parking garage
By By Chris Allen Baker/staff writer
Jan. 31, 2002
Nearly half of the approximately 100 people who participated in a citywide survey said they would use a planned $7 million downtown parking garage.
Results show that 47.3 percent of the people plan to use the garage, while 36.5 percent wouldn't. Results were received between Jan. 4 and Jan. 18.
Construction is expected to begin this fall on the parking garage the city's contribution to the Riley Education and Performing Arts Center. Work could take eight to 12 months.
City councilmen are expected to choose one of three proposed designs. The garage will be on the block bounded by Seventh and Eighth streets and 23rd and 24th avenues.
All three proposals would call for razing buildings that house Jack's Sandwich Shop and Lawrence's Jewelers, as well as the old Royal Theater and the Troy building.
Carl Walker Inc. distributed the parking survey forms through the city's and the firm's Web sites. The company also used newspaper advertising and handed out forms to businesses.
People were asked 14 questions including their primary purpose of downtown trips, how often they travel downtown and how long they remain parked.
The survey was meant to gauge whether the current parking system properly supported downtown activity and growth and if the current number of parking spaces were adequate.