Parade at Bonita Lakes Mall will welcome Santa
By Staff
Special to The Star
Nov. 6, 2001
The Christmas season will arrive early at Bonita Lakes Mall when the shopping center hosts a parade Saturday to welcome the arrival of Santa Claus.
The parade begins at 9 a.m. in the parking area between Goody's and McRae's. It will circle the mall, ending at entry 3 just outside Burch &Hatfield.
White said many mall retailers will participate in the parade including an appearance by Norman the cow from Chick-fil-A.
Area businesses and community organizations are also expected to participate, White said, including Clear Channel Radio, the American Red Cross, the United Way and the Lauderdale County Humane Society.
After reaching the end of the parade route, participants will escort Santa through the mall to his chair at the east end of the shopping center in front of J.C. Penney and McRae's. Santa then will be available for pictures and visits with children through Christmas Eve.