Weekly local bowling wrapup returns
By By M.A. Copeland/Special to The Star
July 12, 2001
I'm sure you have been wondering why the bowling report has not been in the paper. Well the last four did not run and I got sick for two weeks and didn't write it. But I'm back and doing better and The Star is doing a better job or running the report now.
The big news is Thomas Clay, bowling in the Trio League, bowled his first 300 game and finished with a 741 series. To my knowledge he is the youngest bowler to bowl a 300 in the adult league. He is 20. Good bowling Thomas and we know there will be more to follow.
The fall and winter league schedules will be out shortly, but if you read this report you will already know that the meetings will be August 13th through the 17th at 6:30 p.m. each night. We do have room for some teams and extra bowlers to fill other teams, so if you know anyone that would like to join the leagues at Dixie Bowl ask them to come to the meetings or call 483-2283 and we'll be glad to help them.
As we go to the high scores, the first mystery bowling took place Sunday at 2 p.m. and had 15 entries. We had a lot of fun and we will have it every Sunday at 2 p.m. through July. Check in is 1:30 p.m. Come out and have some fun as part of that $15 entry fee goes to our YABA to help our youth league and the rest of the money goes to prizes.
In the Senior League, C.W. Gray had a 216 and Don McWilliams had a 581. Lou Timms led the ladies with a 183/517.
In Adult/Jr., Ron Coleman had a 246/645 and Blake Smith had a 214/562.
In Tuesday Mix, Jim Broderick Jr. had a 269/704 while Marlene Stokes led the ladies with a 218/570.
In Trio League, Mike Holden had a 246 and Stan Bottorff had a 676. For the ladies, Sue Kirkpatrick had a 200 and Barbara Holden had a 522.
In Ball &Chain, Stan Bottorff had a 266 and Ron Coleman had a 676 while Billie Coleman had a 204/552.
As we close, the weather is getting hotter, so get your group together and come bowling.
It's cool in here.