Two plead guilty in 2000 robbery
By Staff
From staff reports
June 13, 2001
Two men pleaded guilty Tuesday in Lauderdale County Circuit Court to charges stemming from a shooting and robbery that took place on April 25, 2000. The crime occurred late at night on 38th Avenue in Meridian.
There were two victims in the case. Ricky Hersey was 17 years old when he was shot.
Roderick "Ra-Ra" Brown, 22, of 3814 Eighth Ave., pleaded guilty to aggravated assault. He was sentenced by Circuit Judge Larry Roberts to 20 years in jail, with 20 years suspended and five years probation. Brown will also pay $4,673 in court costs and restitution.
The second victim was Jeffery L. Toles, who was robbed but not injured.
Bobby Rush, 22, of 2610 Highland Drive pleaded guilty to one count of armed robbery in the attack on Toles. He was sentenced to one year in prison, and will pay $4,673 in court costs and restitution.