Local Digest
By Staff
Red Cross announces Help Save A Life'
The Key Chapter of the American Red Cross has announced its "Help Save A Life" summer campaign. Summer is approaching and many activities are being planned. The following courses are being offered to educate residents about water safety, CPR, first aid awareness and prevention.
Life guarding course Ages 17 and over, teaches the essential skills of first aid, CPR, how to perform water rescue, aquatic safety, etc. Dates of the classes are April 21-22, 27-29. For more information, call 485-5151.
Water Safety Instructor course Teaches pool safety and how to instruct different age groups in the skill of swimming. For more information, call Barbara Bishop at 484-8720.
CPR/First Aid Instructor class Teaches how to instruct the public in the art of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and first aid. Dates of the classes are April 20-22. For more information, call 485-5151.
Basic CPR/First Aid course Teaches cardiopulmonary resuscitation and first aid for all age groups. The course is eight hours long and held twice per month. For more information, call 485-5151.
Jaycees holding membership drive
The Jaycees will hold a season membership drive April 9, at 5:30 p.m., at DT Grinders to recruit people who want to improve Meridian. The Jaycees provide leadership training and community involvement opportunities designed to develop well-rounded, corporate and civic citizens.
If you, or any of your employees or co-workers, are interested in becoming a member, please call John R. Bolte at 693-2300.
Newton County Relay for Life' set
This year the Newton County division of the American Cancer Society will host the annual "Relay for Life" on June 1 at East Central Community College in Decatur. There will be entertainment, food and games. The next team captains' meeting will be held April 10, at 5 p.m., at Newton Regional Hospital. For information, call Cassandra Holsen, Melissa McCumbs or Lisa Roebuck at 683-2031.
Kemper Academy presents Elvis show
The "Elvis Presley Show" featuring a 12-member cast with a live band and a sound and light show will be held April 21, at 7 p.m., at Kemper Academy Gymnasium. Tickets are $8 for adults and $4 for students. Children under 4 will be admitted free. Tickets may be purchased at the door or at the Kemper Academy High School office.
For more information, call 743-5841, 743-5351 or 743-5888.
MLT Spring Variety Sale set
It's that time again! The Meridian Little Theatre Guild Spring Variety Sale will be held April 20-21.
Now is the time to clean out your closets, garages and attics. Please bring your tax-deductible items to the Meridian Little Theatre, Highway 39 North, between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. Large donations can be picked up. Items needed include clothes, shoes, jewelry, toys, linens, games, books, pictures, dishes, appliances, furniture and bric-a-brac.
For more information, call Dorothy Torgerson at 482-0930 or Meridian Little Theatre office at 482-6371.
Partnership accepting grant applications
The Partnership for a Healthy Mississippi is accepting grant applications from faith-based organizations through its Community Youth Partners program.
Applications for the $2,000 grants can be obtained at the office of Partnership for a Healthy Lauderdale County, 806 Highway 19 North, Suite 385. Grantees will agree to conduct a Students Working Against Tobacco day camp during the summer and conduct monthly SWAT activities throughout the year.
The application deadline is April 20.
For more information, visit The Partnership for a Healthy Mississippi's Web site at www.healthy-miss.org or call 696-4472.
Hilltop Homes collect rummage sale items
Volunteers for Hilltop Home for Boys and Hilltop Home for Girls are seeking items for their annual "Spring Rummage Sale," to be held May 3-4 at the boys' home. All donations are tax-deductible. Items needed include clothes, furniture, knickknacks, appliances and dishes.
Items may be delivered to the boys' home at 7297 Highway 39 North, or the girls' home at 5207 Zero Road. Large donations can be picked up. For more information, call 482-0432.
LAWS to hold classes in April
The Lauderdale Association of Women Shooters is taking applications for the 2001 Spring Handgun Safety Class. The class is taught by NRA certified firearms instructors and is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. on April 17, 19 and 24. An April 21 session will be held at a private range.
If you are interested, please call to reserve your place in the class by April 3. The class tuition fee is $40. Each student receives individual attention from an NRA instructor at the range. Space is limited. For information, call 681-8575 or 485-5725.
DAV mobile office to visit Meridian
Detailed explanations of the benefits available to disabled veterans and their families will be presented at an upcoming Disabled American Veterans Mobile Service Office visit.
Like all services provided by the non-profit DAV, there will be no charge for on-site counseling and claim filing assistance, which will be hosted by Meridian Chapter No. 56. It will be presented April 13 at the Bonita Lakes Mall, food court entrance, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Veterans and members of their families need not be DAV or DAV Auxiliary members to take advantage of this free service. Please bring your Department of Veterans Affairs claim number, Social Security number and any other pertinent documentation to the session.